
恋愛に関するフレーズたち20選 vol.1


1) to go out -> 付き合ってる
"I've been going out with him for a year now"

2) boyfriend / girlfriend -> 恋人 (彼氏・彼女)
"Do you have a boyfriend?"

3) to be taken -> 彼女もち・彼氏もち
"Hey, do you wanna have coffee with me?"
"Sorry, I'm taken"

4) to see someone-> (付き合う手前くらいの) 会っている仲
"Are you seeing someone else?"

5) dating -> (付き合うを前提とした・ほぼ付き合っている) 会っている仲
"I've been dating with her for a while"

6) be in a committed relationship -> (結婚を前提とした) お付き合い
"Him and I are in a committed relationship"

7) hitting on someone -> 口説く
"Are you hitting on me?"

8) to break up / split with someone -> 別れる
"They broke up last week"

9) to treat someone right -> 大切に扱う
"You have to treat him right"

10) to pick someone up -> ナンパする
"I picked up a right girl"

11) a pick up line -> ナンパ文句
"That is a very old pick up line"

12) be in a rocky relationship -> うまくいってない
"We were in a rocky relationship once but we're good now"

13) to have / go through a rough time -> 試練のとき
"We're having a rough time right now"

14) feel insecure -> 自信が無い
"Please don't feel insecure about yourself.  I like the way you are"

15) to be protective -> 守りたがる・なにもさせてくれない
"My boyfriend is too protective.  We won't let me go clubbing!"

16) to cheat on sb -> 浮気する
"He cheated on me!  I cannot believe it!!"

17) to be done / over / through -> 終わり
"That's it!  We're done/over/through!  No more 'us'!"

18) a couple -> 一組の恋人たち・夫婦
"We met a very nice old couple the other day"

19) to give someone butterflies -> ウキウキ・ドキドキさせる
"You give me butterflies...."

20) to dump somebody -> 振る
"He dumped me last night"

Have a beautiful relationship, everyone!
にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 英語表現・口語表現へにほんブログ村   人気ブログランキングへ

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